woman engaging core

How to Engage Your Core

Evelyn Valdez

If you've been to a fitness class or followed any workouts from a personal trainer or online then you've probably heard the term, "engage your core", or, "activate your core". If you're new to working out then your first instinct is to suck in your tummy. On the contrary, it simply means to tighten your abdominals or core muscles. Although it sounds simple, it's still a confusing concept... How is it supposed to feel? Why do you need to activate it? And when are you supposed to do it?

Core engagement is important! It's a technique that is used to help you lift and push heavy weights, hence why having a strong core is so important. To make sure that your core is activated and engaged when weightlifting, we're going to give you details on what it means to engage your it and how to engage your core correctly. Plus, we'll list our favorite simple core activation exercises to implement in your workout routine that will help you build a stronger core.

What does 'engage your core' even mean?

To truly understand how to engage your core you must understand what your core consists of (it's more than just your abdominal muscles). Although having a strong core can give you that six-pack you've been dying to have, its main purpose is to support your entire body.  Your core is comprised of your ab muscles, including the rectus abdominis, external obliques, internal obliques, transversus abdominis, and transverse abdominis. But they also involve other muscles like the pelvic floor muscles, back muscles, hip flexors, glute muscles, and diaphragm.

As you can see, there are several muscles that contribute to your core so engaging it is not as simple as it seems... To engage your core means to turn those muscles on so they are engaged in the work. Think of glute activation, it's common for people to do glute activation exercises in order to turn those muscles on so they put in work when working the lower body, thus helping to make the muscle grow. It's the same for the core, you want those muscles to be turned on and actively working throughout the given exercise.

To understand this concept better, it's best to understand what happens when your core isn't engaged (or weak):

  • Losing balance when performing unilateral leg exercises.
  • Your back arches when performing exercises like the shoulder press, push-ups, and planks.
  • Your back naturally hunches over when you sit.
  • When performing a single-arm shoulder press you tend to lean far to one side.

How to engage your core

Instead of just sucking your stomach, squeeze all of the muscles in your torso and hold them in that tightened position while still breathing normally. If you still don’t get it, imagine bracing yourself for a sucker punch right in your stomach. You should feel the muscles in your abdomen and glutes are tightened, stable, and secure from your pelvis all the way to your rib cage. Allowing the muscles to contract enough will engage the core to resist and stay stable throughout any sort of movement or exercise.

Once you start practicing engaging your core, you'll definitely feel it actively working while doing exercises like squats, deadlifts, and shoulder presses. Aside from the technique mentioned above, there are some core activation exercises you can do before a heavy lifting session to help activate the muscles to make it easier for you to have an engaged core throughout your workout.

Dead bug

  1. Lie on your back with your legs stretched out. Your entire spine should be touching the floor.
  2. Raise your arms straight up toward the ceiling and bend your legs at 90 degrees at the hip and knee, lifting your feet from the ground. It should look like you're in a tabletop position (except facing upwards). Make sure your torso and thighs form a right angle.
  3. This is a core move, so engage your core to ensure that your lower back remains on the mat or floor. An engaged core will also make sure that your spine is steady and in the neutral position throughout the exercise.
  4. Reach your right arm backward, over your head, and toward the floor while simultaneously stretching out the opposite leg so the left heel is moving toward the floor. Stop the movement right before touching the ground.
  5. Move slowly back to the starting position.
  6. Perform the same movements on the opposite side, so reaching your left arm back over your head and extending the right leg.
  7. Do the same number of reps on each side, 10-15 reps depending on your core stability.

Glute bridge with a squeeze on top

  1. Lie on your back with feet flat on the ground and knees bent.
  2. Tighten your glutes and core muscles by pushing your lower back into the ground before lifting up.
  3. Lift your hips up off the floor making sure the shoulders are pulled back and not shrugging towards your ears. Your body should be in a straight line from your knees to shoulders.
  4. Squeeze your core and glutes and maintain that pose for 20-30 seconds.
  5. Return to your starting position and complete 10-15 reps.

Bird dog

  1. Get in a tabletop position, knees hip-width apart and hands on the ground about shoulder-width apart. Make sure your spine is neutral and brace your core.
  2. To start, lift your right hand and opposite knee a few inches off the floor while balancing on the other hand and knee.
  3. Once you feel steady, move through the full range of motion. Point your right arm straight in front of you and extend your left leg behind you forming one straight line from hand to foot. Focus on keeping your weight centered and core tight to help you maintain balance.
  4. Pause for a moment, and then repeat with your left leg and right arm.
  5. Repeat another 8-12 times.

Toe taps

  1. Lie on your back with arms on the floor at your sides with palms facing down.
  2. Lift your legs into a tabletop position, knees should be bent at 90 degrees and thighs perpendicular to the floor.
  3. Keep your back on the mat (avoid arching) and tighten your core.
  4. Slowly lower your right foot and gently tap the floor.
  5. Return the right leg back to the tabletop position and repeat the same move with the left leg.
  6. Repeat for 10 taps on each side.

When should you engage your core?

Now that you're familiar with your core and how to engage it, it's time to learn when to actually do it! You don't need to engage your core for every single exercise, that will tire you out real quick! You only really need to engage your core if your training session requires exercises that require your spine to flex, bend, extend, or rotate. This is most common on leg days, ab workouts, and some upper body workouts, like overhead exercises.

Before your workout, start with a few core activation exercises to switch on your muscles. This will help you activate your core when you start lifting weights, that way your back stays upright and shoulders back. You can also do them before cardio that requires a lot of movement like cycling, swimming, running, or HIIT. Engaging your core during cardio will help improve your posture while minimizing the risk of injury. When it comes to training your abs, always do ab exercises like sit-ups, woodchoppers, Russian twists, at the end of your workout. 

Like other muscle groups, don't overtrain your core! This can be easy to do when you do strength training because the core muscles are involved in various exercises. So, keep your core training (meaning isolated exercises like abs and the above core activation exercises) to 2-3x a week, that way you give those muscles time to recover.

Want more core exercises that you can do in the comfort of your own home?

Here are the best at-home core exercises to help you develop better core strength!